Random Game Idea
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Board Game Prototypes
Random Game Idea

Random Game Idea Generator

Generate unique board game ideas instantly

Tutor Tunes Turmoil

Dive into the world of gaming tutorials where you earn income by successfully teaching various video games to newcomers. Sing your instructions to your students to engage them more effectively, but beware of the Sudden Death Ending, where if you fail to teach a crucial skill, you lose all your income for that round. Pass the tutor baton to the next player in line, keeping game play dynamic and unpredictable.

How It Works

This app helps you generate unique board game ideas by combining:

  • Game Mechanics: Three core gameplay elements that define how players interact
  • Turn Order: How players take their turns during the game
  • Theme: The setting or context of your game

Click the dice icons to reroll individual elements, or use "Reroll All" to refresh everything. When you're happy with your combination, click "Generate Game Pitch" to get an AI-generated game description!

Consider reading my board game ideas blog post to learn how I think about game ideas.